LogoScience IDEAS Project: 2002-2009

Science IDEAS: K-5 Requirements

K-5 Schoolwide Requirements

K-5 schools implementing the Science IDEAS model agree to a number of requirements. The requirements were developed over a number of years in order to optimize the conditions that would result in the highest fidelity of implementation, the development of the school-level capacity necessary for insuring the eventual sustainability of the model.

Distinguishing Between Science IDEAS in Grades K-2 vs. 3-5

K-5 schools implementing the Science IDEAS model agree to a number of requirements. The requirements were developed over a number of years in order to optimize the conditions that would result in the highest fidelity of implementation, the development of the school-level capacity necessary for insuring the eventual sustainability of the model.

Specific requirements for grades 3-5 include daily instructional time of 1.5 - 2 hours allocated to Science IDEAS as a replacement for a school basal (or literature-oriented) reading program. Across the daily instructional time, teachers implement multi-day lessons that incorporate multiple activities consisting of the six different Science IDEAS elements. In Science IDEAS, at least 25% of instructional time is allocated to reading about science. In addition, schools also must agree to allocate an additional 30 minutes per day to literature.

In comparision to grades 3-5, the K-2 Science IDEAS model is an age-appropriate adaptation of the grade 3-5 model. The major differences are that the daily Science IDEAS instructional block in K-2 is 45 minutes rather than 1.5 - 2 hours and, in K-2, Science IDEAS does not replace the regular reading/language arts program. In addition, although all six Science IDEAS instructional elements are used in K-2, they are adapted to be age-appropriate (e.g., the teacher reads about science in grades K-1 as students are learning to read, pictures/illustrations are used for journaling or building simple concept maps).

Summary of Key Science IDEAS Implementaion Requirements for Teacher and Principals

Classroom Level (Teachers)

  • Science taught daily during an uninterrupted 1 ½ - 2 hour time bock
  • Language arts (using literary genre) taught for 30 minutes daily
  • Students not pulled from class during the Science IDEAS block
  • Students maintain science journals
  • Classrooms have science texts, non-fiction reading materials, resources for hands-on activities
  • Classroom/school display of teacher and student work (e.g., unit concept maps; writing from visuals)
  • No other major school initiatives for 3 years

School Level (Principal)

  • Master schedule ensuring fidelity to time requirements
  • Establishment of School Science IDEAS Committee
  • Support for in-year teacher professional development
  • Organization/facilitation of grade level planning for all 9-week units
  • Monitoring and reporting of classroom implementation
  • Supporting use of school / classrooms as “model” sites for visitors