LogoScience IDEAS Project: 2002-2009

Project Multi-Phase Scale-Up Model Development

A major objective of the NSF/IERI multi-year project was to study the scale-up dynamics associated with the sequential adoption of the Science IDEAS model across a series of elementary schools. The project design for addressing the scale-up objective was to identify the dynamics that were necessary for the scale-up of the Science IDEAS model.

The overall structure of the scale-up model developed through the project involved a “multi-phase” process. The idea of a multi-phase process was that the responsibilities for implementing Science IDEAS (e.g., planning, professional development, management) were initially conduced by project staff. However, as the scale-up process evolved with additional elementary schools implementing Science IDEAS, the responsibilities for implementation would be assumed by school personnel.

The key determinants in the project scale-up model for the rate of transfer of responsibility were in the areas of capacity development of the necessary specialized expertise and the organizational infra-structures for coordinating these responsibilities. In developing the scale-up model, the project used a Teacher Leadership group as a major form of capacity development. During the project, Teacher Leadership group members were able to assume responsibility for professional development for new teachers and provide intra-school support for implementation problem solving. In addition, to provide support in critical areas, the project also developed a series of web-based tools and resources teachers and administrators could use to support their implementation of Science IDEAS.

Some visual perspectives on scale-up are shown in the following: Visual Perspectives on scale-up.