LogoScience IDEAS Project: 2002-2009

ITBS Science & Reading Achievement

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Vitale, M. R., & Romance, N. R.  (2009). A research-based model for integrating elementary science and reading comprehension: Implications for research and practice. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Romance, N. R., & Vitale, M. R. (2011). A research-based instructional model for integrating meaningful learning in elementary science and reading comprehension: Implications for policy and practice. In N. Stein & S. Raudenbush (Eds.) Developmental cognitive science goes to school. NY: Routledge. 

Romance, N. R., & Vitale, M. R. (2012). Science IDEAS: A research-based K-5 interdisciplinary instructional model linking science and literacy. Science Educator, 21, 1-11.

Romance, N. R., & Vitale, M. R. (2012). Expanding the role of K-5 science instruction in educational reform: Implications of an interdisciplinary model for integrating reading within science. School Science and Mathematics,112, 506-515.

Vitale, M. R., & Romance, N. R. (2011). Implications of a cognitive-science-based model for integrating science and literacy in grades 3-5: Replication of multiyear direct and transfer effects in science and reading from grades 3-5 to 6-7. Paper Presented at the 2011 Conference of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington, DC.

Romance, N. R., & Vitale, M. R. (2011). An interdisciplinary model for accelerating student achievement in science and reading comprehension across grades 3-8: Implications for research and practice. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Educational Effectiveness. Washington, DC.

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